
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2017 Lee-Hsueh Lee and Jun Cheng Lin, Greening Approaches of Green Roof for Flower-Visiting Insects, Landscape Architecture and regional, vol. 2, 2, pp. 43-50, 2017
2016 吴佩玲(通讯作者)、陈盈润, 初探应用电脑辅助空间分析与生态社区概念建构最佳化规划设计准则-以南投县国姓乡柑林村庄园为例, 国立台湾戏曲学院通识教育学报, vol. 2, 2, pp. 17-31, Dec. 2016
2016 Yi-Yu Huang*, Chien-Teh Chen, Yen-Chi Tsai, Reduction of temperatures and temperature fluctuations by hydroponic green roofs in a subtropical urban climate (SCI, 2016 I.F.=4.067, JIF Percentile = 98.000%, Q1, **东海顶尖级, *排除自我引用次数=23次) (doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2016.07.023), Energy and Buildings, 129, pp. 174-185, Oct. 2016
2016 Yulan, Y., Tseng, Y.H. & Ho, C.I. , Knowledge base and flow of major tourism and hospitality journals, Global Review of Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Management, vol. 2, 1, pp. 354-372, Oct. 2016
2016 何昶鸳、 黄绪瀚、原友兰、陈铭芷, 行动商务消费者之购买决策过程探讨:以选择餐厅为例, 户外游憩学报, vol. 29, 4, pp. 103-133, Oct. 2016