
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2021 黃美惠、吳佩玲, 運用風水五行概念於養護中心的庭園規劃設計, 第十九屆造園景觀學術研討會, Jan. 2021, 台灣台北
2021 黃傑威、吳佩玲, 應用生態教育理念於休閒農場規劃設計, 第十九屆造園景觀學術研討會, Jan. 2021, 台灣台北
2021 何立智, 人工智慧技術於景觀資源調查之運用, 第六屆兩岸農村治理研討會, 受邀演講, 2021, 台中
2021 李沁築、陳瑾亭、何立智*, 以遷移學習方法建立 Litton 景觀封閉度之預測模型, 第十九屆造園景觀學術研討會, 2021, 台北
2021 張伯茹、何立智, 高齡族群知覺恢復休閒型態與心理健康之影響, 2021第23屆休閒、遊憩、觀光線上學術研討會暨國際論壇, 2021, 線上會議
2021 Hung, S. H. & Yeh, Y. C, An application of the Healthy Landscape ImageDatabase on selecting outdoor recreation, Session: New Technology to Measure the Health Benefits of Outdoor Recreation Activities, 口頭報告, 2021, Virtual Conference
2021 Hung, S. H. & Chang, C. Y., A Framework for Re-Thinking Biophilia, Biophilic Design, and Qi in Outdoor Recreation, 2021 Virtual IASNR Conference, 口頭報告, 2021, Virtual Conference
2021 Hung, S. H., From research to practice: bridging the “knowledge-action” gap, 2021 SCL Live Webinar Series: "Landscape and Health", 口頭報告, 2021, Virtual Conference
2021 Hung, S. H. & Chang, C. Y., Biophilic and Qi Experience in Horticultural Therapy, XV International People Plant Symposium and II International Symposium on Horticultural Therapies: the Role of Horticulture in Human Well-being and Social Development, 口頭報告, 2021, Virtual Conference
2021 Hung, S. H. & Chang, C. Y., How Biophilic Relates to Landscape Ecology? An Approach on Linking Perceived Biophilic Design, Landscape Preference, and Health Benefits in Built Environment. , 2021 ICLEE International Conference: Health, it matters: Responsible Mission for ICLEE, 口頭報告, 2021, Virtual Conference