
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2013 Li, L.W.*, Birmele, J., Schaich, J. Konold, W., 德國社區自主再生能源社區轉型經驗之研究, 會議論文, 口頭報告(Others), Nov. 03-05, 2012, 日本京都
2013 張東港、鄒君瑋、王愛, 從設計競圖到施工評比—以參與2010高雄景觀花藝競賽為例, 景觀教學的使命與變遷研討會, 會議論文, 壁報論文, Oct. 01, 2012, 東海大學
2013 何立智*、張俊彥, 1/f 特徵與自然度及景觀偏好之關係, 第十一屆造園景觀學術研討會, 2013, 台灣台北
2013 黃章展、傅學俞, 療癒性景觀對醫療院所戶外空間使用者生心理效益之影響--長青族與其他年齡族群之比較, 2013橘色善念─銀髮族智慧生活國際設計研討會, 2013, 新莊,新北市
2013 Pei-Chun Chen, Chang-Chan Huang, Hua-Shan Kwan, Chung-Shing Wang, JeiChen Hsieh, Chin-Fu Chen, The Influence of Therapeutic Landscape on Psycho-Physiological Benefits—Some Controversial Issues, The 19th International Symposium on Society and Research Management (ISSRM), 2013, Colorado, USA
2013 Chang-Chan Huang (黃章展), Jung Yuan (袁蓉), The expected experience and actual experience of visitors in urban, rural-developed, and ruralnatural sites in Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), 2013, Colorado, USA
2013 馬雅玲、李麗雪, 園區廠房綠屋頂推行策略之研究-以新竹科學園區為例, 第12屆臺灣造園景觀學術研討會, 2013
2012 鐘佳錦、原友蘭, 台北大學生對中國之旅遊意象與旅遊意願之研究, 2012海峽兩岸觀光研討會, 口頭報告, Jan. 19, 2019, 北京
2012 Yi-Yu Huang, Jing-Shoung Hou, Yun-Ying Hsu, Who values more for bed and breakfast's aesthetic experience? (Poster presentation), 19th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, 海報展示, Jun. 04-08, 2013, Colorado, USA
2012 Cheng-Chung Chen, Kay Hei-Lin Chu, Yu-Ming Huang and Pei-Ling Wu , The Relationship among Weather, Operation Performance, and Stock Price of Taiwanese Hospitality Industry, The 11th APacCHRIE Conference, 口頭報告(Others), May. 21-24, 2013, 澳門