王金藝(Study in UK, The University of Sheffield, Urban Studies and Planning_2019)
汪靖芳(Study in Netherlands, Delft University of Technology_Urbanism_2019)
劉詩卉(Study in USA, University of Washington, Landscape Architecture_2019)
司博書(Study in Italy, Politecnico di Milano, Construction Engineer…cture, Land_2018)
蔡鎮航(Study in USA, Texas A&M University, Landscape Architectur…an Planning_2018)
廖士豪(Study in USA, Columbia University, Architecture & Urban Design_2017)
張成哲(Study in USA, Harvard GAD, Landscape_2017)
林浩雯(Study in UK, Architectural Association, Landscape Urbanism_2015)
王美云(Study in Australia, The University of Melbourne, Landscape_2014)