Year 2022
Authors Yi-Yu Huang ,Yi-Yu Huang, Sreerag Chota Veettil, Hang Zhang, Yi-Ke Hu, Chien-Kuo Wang
Paper Title Thermal performance of the extensive wetland green roofs in winter in humid subtropical climate (個人型科技部計畫、主持人 MOST 108-2221-E-029-013-) (Poster presentation)
Conference Name 2022 The 14th Ecocity World Summit
Location web conference
Peroid Feb. 22-24, 2022
Paper Type 海報展示
Author Type First Author
Number Of Authors 5
  • 11.2.b_口頭簡報ppt_Thermal_performance_of_the_extensive_wetland_green_roofs_in_winter_in_humid_subtropical_climate_公告版_.pdf
  • Date of Publication 2022-02-24
    Language Chinese